My Recent


Girl On the Train

It was the usual scene on the platform. Passengers rushed past to get to their coach in the train due for arrival in some time. Porters carrying heavy luggage, families with babies and children in…


दिल पर इतना बोझ न रखो, सिमटी इतनी सोच न रखो ले उधार शब्द थोड़े से दिल को जी भर कुछ कहने दोI जोड़ तोड़ दुनियादारी में, बेचारे मन को न कसोI दो लम्हा मन…


ये ऊँची इमारतें इनके नीचे दफन है कुछ पेड़, कुछ पंछियों के नीड़ शायद कोई संकरी गली छप्परों से ढकी जो झुग्गियों में तब्दील हुई कोई बहती नदी जो धीरे धीरे नाले में बदल गयी…

Travel Tales

Travel Tales

S-Safari Capital, Kenya

Kenya, also known as the Safari Capital of the world, has a considerable area devoted to wildlife habitats. I visited Kenya along with friends, without much planning or knowledge about the place. This was my…
Travel Tales

Cape Town Calling (Quirky Travel Tales)

Welcome to Day 3 of the #BlogchatterA2Z Blogging Challenge. Today I will take you to the South Westernmost point of the African Continent, a destination that evokes “Oh My God, Its Heaven” feeling from anyone,…
Travel Tales


Welcome to Day 4 of #BlogchatterA2Z Blogging Challenge. Today I’m opening the pages of my Dubai diaries and memories. I lived in Dubai for eight years, longest in any city and Dubai still feels like…
Travel Tales

W-Women and Travel

Women Only Travel, Wanderlust, Solo Traveller, these are some of the terms we often hear for female travellers going it alone or in groups with other women. There is something very liberating about being on…

About Me

Hi, I am Anjali.

Welcome to my little corner on the big wide web. What can you read here? Poetry, Travel Stories, Quirky Tales, Articles and more. Writing is my way of reaching out to the universe. The written word, an introvert's window to the world.